Personal Examples of Accidents

Joel, 1981 - During our first six months of living in the village, we lived in a bush house that had the traditional style windows - an opening in the wall with a hinged shutter that was kept open during the day to let light in the house. One day Joel, when he was four years old was playing in another room of the house and somehow tumbled head first out the window falling about 3 meters (9 feet) down onto the hard packed sand. Fortunately, he must have landed in such a way that it prevented him from injuring himself, because the hard packed sand was like concrete. A neighbor must have seen it happen and rushed over to pick him up and brought him to our attention. We thought he was still in the house! If our prayer partners had not been praying, that accident could have turned out much differently.
Jason, 1997 - One of the activities that Jason excels at is BMX bicycle riding. He is accomplished at jumping over mounds on the BMX track and jumping off fixed ramps. He was usually careful to wear his helmet and padding, but one day he tried going over a jump without his helmet, and unfortunately he landed on his head, and was knocked unconscious. Although he doesn't remember what happened during the following 2-3 hours, he managed to walk down the hill to our clinic with the help of some friends. We are sure that some of our prayer partners were praying for him, for he could have easily broken his neck. Instead, he suffered cuts and bruises and a very sore head and body for a few days.
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