Excerpts from the Martins' Memos News Briefs - March, 2002

Martins' Memos News Briefs

Dallas, Texas


March 2002

Martins on furlough in the USA

  Where in the world are Bill and Lenore Martin? No, that is not the title of a new computer adventure game. Yet some of their friends may be wondering where Bill and Lenore are these days, since it has been a while since they have received a newsletter from them. Mystery solved: Bill and Lenore are well into their 8-month furlough in the USA. After leaving PNG in early November, they spent a month in California, then set off on a 6,000 mile trip by car. First, they traveled to Texas where they met up with Jason, and then traveled on up to New Hampshire where they spent Christmas together as a family with Joel and Becky. After Christmas they visited friends on the east coast and returned to Texas, where they are now occupying their house in Dallas.

Study Programs Started

  The second week of January 2002 Bill and Lenore went to visit Mountain View College to inquire about class offerings for the Spring semester. One thing led to the next and by the end of the morning both Lenore and Bill had registered for classes at this community college located about 10 minutes from their Dallas home. Lenore has started her program for completing her BA. She is currently taking a Speech and a US History course, and is finding them challenging. Bill is taking a C++ Programming course on the same days. He wants to hone his programming skills for possible use in helping to develop the Adapt It program mentioned in our last newsletter.

To the Dedication and Beyond

  It's time to book your tickets to travel to PNG for the Lindrou New Testament dedication! If you are seriously considering attending the dedication you should contact Bill and Lenore for more information. Reason: It takes considerable planning and logistical maneuvering to get a crowd of people to one of the remotest places on earth, all at the same time on the same day! Bill and Lenore will be traveling back to PNG for two months this summer to attend the Lindrou New Testament dedication scheduled for July 27th in Lessau village. Afterwards they will return to the USA in order for Lenore to continue pursuing her study program.

"Closing the Chapter"

Bill and Lenore want to help their kids get back to their PNG "homeland" this summer to attend the Lindrou New Testament dedication and look back at their growing-up experience there. PNG is still somewhat of an "open chapter" in their lives. With that in mind, Bill and Lenore are asking the Lord for help in providing the travel expenses for Joel (and Becky) and Jason to travel to PNG for the special occasion. Also, Bill and Lenore are themselves looking to the Lord for the funds needed for their own travel from PNG back to the USA in August.

Career Counseling

What do Bible translators do after they have completed the translation of the New Testament? Translate the Old Testament? Move on to a different language? Take a different assignment within the mission? Find other work outside the mission? Is there life after translation? Bill and Lenore are seeking to determine the Lord's will in their lives and the answers to those questions. "The advancement of God's kingdom involves spiritual warfare," says Bill, "and our operations manual says '…by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.' (Proverbs 24:6) For this reason, Lenore and I have started working with a trained career counselor, who is helping us to explore the possibilities as we seek God's will for our future." Bill and Lenore would appreciate your prayers for them and, since you are partners with them in their ministry, they would welcome the sharing of any "wise counsel" the Lord gives you for their consideration.

Lindrou New Testaments on site!

The Lindrou New Testaments arrived in PNG from Korea in late October last year just before Bill and Lenore left for furlough in November. A few were stored at Ukarumpa for distribution to Lindrou families working outside of Manus. Most of them were shipped on out to Manus and Charles Kowak has transported them to his village where they are being stored while awaiting the upcoming dedication. Charles has been encouraging the Lindrou people to reserve their copies in advance of the dedication through a system of advance sales which he is overseeing.

Praise Items:

Prayer Items:

þ  Praise the Lord for Nancy Ricketts who is working as Bill and Lenore's career guidance counselor.

o  Pray for Nancy as she guides us, and for us as we make plans for the future. We want to continue serving the Lord and furthering His kingdom and are trusting Him for fresh vision for the years ahead.

þ  Praise the Lord that Lenore has started her studies at Mountain View College and for its convenient location nearby. Praise also that Bill is able to take some programming courses to further his skills in that area.

o  Pray that Lenore will be able to focus well on her study program, and that her academic counselors will be able to advise her on the best course of studies to meet her academic objectives.

þ  Praise the Lord that Lenore has been recovering well from a two-week bout of the flu. Feb. 28th praise update: The specialist gave Bill a cortisone shot and said special exercises can remedy a "calcium" buildup in his shoulder joint.

o  Pray for Bill's left shoulder which has been giving him some pain for several months. The WBT doctor says it is a "rotator cuff impingement" and recommended he see a specialist to determine what treatment or therapy should be done.

þ  Praise the Lord for safety for Jason and his friends. They were hit by a speeding car from behind on the freeway while traveling from Austin to Longview. Although the car they were traveling in was totally wrecked they were not injured.

o  Pray for the men who were driving the speeding car. They were arrested at the scene for DWI. Pray for quick settlement by the insurance companies involved.

þ  Praise the Lord that the Lindrou New Testaments have arrived in the Lindrou language area. It appears that the dedication will be one of the largest events to ever occur within the Lindrou language group.

o  Pray that many Lindrou people will purchase their copies of the New Testament in advance of the dedication. Pray also for the Lindrou people as they continue with preparations for the dedication in July.


We praise the Lord for your partnership with us in advancing His kingdom!
In his loving kindness,
Bill and Lenore Martin
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