Excerpts from the Martins' Memos PNG News Briefs - December, 1996

Martins' Memos PNG News Briefs


Papua New Guinea

December 9, 1996

75% of Martin family makes it back to Papua New Guinea

The Martin family said a tearful good bye to their son Joel as he took the family car and drove out of their Dallas driveway on his way back to begin his second year at Taylor University in Upland Indiana. A few days later Bill, Lenore and Jason flew on to California for a two week break and regrouping before departing on September 12th for their fourth term in PNG. The Martins arrived at Ukarumpa on September 17th tired from traveling, but glad to be back in PNG. "Having one member of your family residing more than 9,000 miles away is a new experience for us as a family," reports Joel’s Father, "but we are confident that we are all still in God’s caring hands, regardless of the distance that separates us."

Translators work hard in advisor’s absence

"My eyes got larger as I looked over the exercise books full of handwritten drafts," reports advisor Bill Martin. "I knew that national translator Charles Kowak had been working on the translation of John and Hebrews while we were on furlough. However, what I didn’t know, was that he had also nearly finished 1 Corinthians. Moreover, he had also encouraged another translator we had trained years ago, to complete the drafts of James, 1 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude!" Bill got out his calculator and quickly calculated that the two translators had together translated 25% of the New Testament while the Martins were away in the USA on furlough!

About three weeks after the Martin’s arrival Charles came to Ukarumpa to make plans to finish the Nyindrou (Lindrou) New Testament. He shared with them the trials and sacrifices he had experienced in getting an extension of his leave of absence without pay from Community School teaching for another two years. Charles told the Martins: "With God’s help I want to finish translating the New Testament for my people in the next two years." The Martins were greatly encouraged to hear Charles’ commitment to finishing the work. "It will take much prayer on the part of our prayer partners," said Bill, "since we know that the challenges suddenly increase when a translation team moves into the final stages of finishing a New Testament. Satan is never happy at the prospect of God’s Word becoming available to a new people group."

Translation computer suffers failure in spiritual warfare

Clunk! Clunk! Clunk! With that, the computer suddenly stopped responding. "I was almost finished typing Charles’ translation of 1 Corinthians, when it suddenly made that noise," Lenore said to Bill. Upon investigation, Bill discovered that the hard drive on their computer had failed. "You get a real sinking feeling, because you realize that a lot of work may have just disappeared," said Bill. Although Bill had been making daily backups of the Scripture revisions he had been doing with Charles, he had not made any backup of the book of 1 Corinthians that Lenore had been entering on the computer. "I’m sorry, it looks like the book of 1 Corinthians will have to be entered again," Bill said.

The day the hard drive on the computer failed was the same day that Bill and Charles made firm plans to complete the New Testament. It was also around the same time that the telephone system suffered a breakdown (see article below). "When you are in this kind of work," Bill says, "things don’t just happen by accident. We are very aware that there is spiritual warfare going on and that the enemy doesn’t want the New Testament to be finished.

Although Bill was able to buy a replacement hard drive from the TECS department at Ukarumpa, the hard part was restoring everything from backups. "Unfortunately, the last full backup of everything on the computer was made in Dallas three months ago," Bill said.

Communications breakdown generates new challenges

The Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea has suffered a breakdown in telephone communications due to acts of vandalism. The authorities are saying that it will probably be months before normal telephone service can be restored. The center at Ukarumpa has installed a temporary satellite link which enables limited communication. However, E-mail messages must be flown to the capital city of Port Moresby one or two times per week to make connections with the outside world from there. "E-mail has been such a great way to communicate," says Bill, "so it is a little hard getting used to E-mail taking a week or longer to get through. We are hoping and praying that the normal phone service will be restored sooner than expected."

Student pedals hard to catch up

"You are going to have to pedal hard to catch up," the school counselor told Jason. "You have missed a whole term in the Ukarumpa International School calendar, but I think you can do it," she added. It was a real challenge for Jason, but he made it successfully through the fourth term, and is now breathing easier since the start of the six week Christmas break.

Praise Items:

Prayer Items:

Praise the Lord for the completion of a successful furlough, and for a successful first year at Taylor University for Joel.

Pray for Joel that he would continue to trust the Lord for his needs and direction in his studies at Taylor University.

Praise the Lord that Jason was able to catch up in his studies at Ukarumpa International School.

Pray that for a good time of relaxation for Jason and us all as we take a holiday before the next school term begins in January.

Praise the Lord for the great translation work that national translators Charles Kowak and Belden Sirip were able to accomplish during the past year.

Pray for all of the members of the Lindrou translation team as we face the challenges of translation and the spiritual battles ahead in finishing the New Testament. Charles still needs about $150 per month in support.

Praise the Lord the no actual translation was lost when the hard drive on the computer failed. Had we not been keeping regular backups we could have lost 15 years worth of work!

Pray for funds to pay for the replacement hard drive on the computer. Pray also for protection of our equipment from future breakdowns.

Praise the Lord for our communication technicians who are working hard to maintain our communication links.

Pray for the restoration of regular telephone service to this part of PNG.

Praise the Lord for the completion of 100 New Testaments in PNG and the dedication of the Manam New Testament on December 13th.

Pray that the Manam people will be greatly blessed as they read their New Testaments, and that the Lord would help them to continue translating the Old Testament.

We thank you for your part in the ministry of Bible Translation to the people of Papua New Guinea. We trust you will have a glorious Christmas! In his service,

Bill (1006 bytes)

Bill Martin (and Lenore).

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